History of Pharmacy in India and Related Aspects, Volume 6

 Medico-Parmaceutical Professionals
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 81-85731-45-4; 1st Ed. 2009; pp.xiv+174

   Delhi price: 600      Outside Delhi price: 650      Overseas price : 850

 About The Book  

   Several medico-pharmaceutical professionals have contributed to pharmaceutical developments in the country. Brevet Colonel Sir Ram Nath Chopra and his onetime associates Professor Khem Singh Grewal and Dr Bishnupada Mukerji stand out for their direct involvement in the building of modern pharmacy in India. Where they distinguished as pharmacologists, their role in making of pharmacy was equally important. Their lives and professional achievements are profiled in this monograph.

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1 Introduction
2 Ram Nath Chopra
3 Khem Singh Grewal
4 Bishnupada Mukerji

  I B. Mukerji, The Scope and Future of Pharmacology in India,
    Presidential Address, Section of Physiology, Thirty-second
    Indian Science Congress
 II B. Mukerji, The March of Pharmacy in India, Presidential
    Address, Sixth Bengal Pharmaceutical Conference
 III B. Mukerji, Presidential Address, Fourteenth Indian
    Pharmaceutical Congress
 IV R. N. Chopra, Problems and Prospects of Pharmacological
    Career in India