Human Values and Professional Ethics
 (New Assay of Human Being in Society)
  by Vaishali Singh & Arvind Kumar Singh
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-39-9; 2nd Ed. 2021; pp.viii+136

   Delhi price: 140      Outside Delhi price: 150      Overseas price : 420

 About The Book  

   The book on 'Human Values and Professional Ethics' is for the professional and technical courses e.g. B.Tech, B. Pharm, B.F.A.D, B.H.M.T.C., B. Arch, M.C.A., M.B.A. and others. It is addressed to the practising professionals of any field. All the chapters offer clear and crisp responses to the numerous doubts and confusions that generally prevail about values and ethics. The illustrations primarily belong to the areas of business and management.
   The book comprises 10 chapters which deal with the various topics like human values, harmony in society and harmony with nature alongwith different ethics of professional life in easy language and well defined manner.


   1.   Human Values

1.1   Introduction

1.2   Types of Human Values

1.2.1   Need for Value Education

1.2.2   Basic Guidelines for Value Education

1.2.3   Content of Value Education

1.2.4   Process of Value Education

1.2.5   Importance of Value Education

1.2.6   Human Right is Necessary

  1.3   Practice of Human Value Promotes Unity and Harmony

  1.4   Role of Education to Modify the Human Nature

   2.   Self-exploration                                                                                     

 2.1   Value Education

 2.2   Self–Exploration

2.2.1   Definition

2.2.2   What is Self-exploration?

2.2.3   Use Self-exploration to Find Your Inner Source of Unhappiness

2.2.4   Purpose of Self-exploration

2.2.5   Self-exploration and Problem Solving Skills Give Us an Internal Psychologist

2.2.6   Content of Self-exploration

2.2.7   Process of Self-exploration

2.2.8   Simple Method of Self-knowledge

2.2.9   Self-exploration Activity

   3.   Right Understanding                                                                             -

3.1   Right Understanding

 3.1.1   Objective

 3.1.2   Core of Right Understanding

3.2   Seven Steps to Right and Quick Decision Making

3.3   Relationship

3.3.1   What Makes the Relationship Healthy?

3.3.2   How Do I Know That I Have a Healthy Relationship With Someone?

3.3.3   Making Healthy Relationship

3.3.4   The Importance of Relationships

3.3.5   Bringing Changes in Relationship

3.3.6   Three Guidelines for Improving Your Relationships

   4.   Happiness and Prosperity                                                                    -

               4.1   Human Aspiration

               4.2   Happiness and Prosperity

4.2.1   Exploring Happiness and Prosperity

4.2.2   Nine Tips to Attain Happiness

4.2.3   Steps to Attain Peace

4.2.4   Why is Happiness So Important?

               4.3   Prosperity

4.3.1   Attaining Prosperity

4.3.2   Mantra for Prosperity in Simple Five Steps

4.3.3   Current Scenario of Happiness and Prosperity

4.3.4   Sowing the Seed of Prosperity

4.3.5   Prosperity Plan

               4.4   Pre-conditioning and source

               4.5   Sensations

   5.   Harmony in Myself                                                                               -

         5.1   Harmony

         5.2   Our Body–a Self-organised Unit

5.2.1    Understanding Human Being

5.2.2   The constitution of human being life

5.2.3   Coexistence of Human Being

5.2.4   Human Needs

         5.3   Sukh and Suvidha

         5.4   Uttama Sanyam (Supreme Restraint)

         5.5   Swasthya (Health)

                 5.5.1   Harmony With the Body

                   Nurturing of the Body

                   Protection of the Body


                 5.5.2   Treatment of the Body

       5.6   Right Utilisation of the Body (Sadupyog)

   6.   Harmony in Society                                                                               -

        6.1   Society

        6.2   Humanness

 6.2.1   Gyan (Knowledge)

 6.2.2   Atma Gyan (Knowledge of the Self)

 6.2.3   Knowledge of Existence : (Astitva Darshan Gyan)

                           6.2.4   Knowledge of Humane Conduct : (Manaviyata Poorna Acharan Gyan)

        6.3   Human Civilisation

6.3.1   Vivek (Wisdom)

6.3.2   Samadhan

6.3.3   Fearlessness (Abhay)

       6.4   Universal Order (Sarvabhaum Vyawastha)

       6.5   Undivided Society (Akhand Samaj)

   7.   Harmony in Family                                                                               -

        7.1   Family

                 7.1.1   Types of Family

                 7.1.2   Definition of Family Values

       7.2   Healthy Relationship

       7.3   Harmony in Family

                 7.3.1   Emotions and Feelings in Relationship

                 7.3.2   Importance of Emotions in Family

        7.4   Harmony in Society and Family

                 7.4.1   Human-human Relationship

                 7.4.2   Justice (Nyaya)

        7.5   Foundational Values of Relationship

7.5.1   Trust

7.5.2   Respect

7.5.3   Faith

7.5.4   Right Perception

7.5.5   Right Intention

7.5.6   Right Speech

7.5.7   Right Action

7.5.7   Right Livelihood

7.5.8   Right Effort

7.5.9   Right Concentration

        7.6   Competence

                 7.6.1  5 Steps to Having an Attitude of Excellence

      7.7   Competition

   8.   Harmony in Nature                                                                               -

8.1   Harmony in Nature

8.2   Order in Nature

                8.3   Recycling

8.3.1   Recycling Top Tips

8.3.2   Harmony With Nature can Teach you, How to Live a Balanced Life

8.3.3   Living in Dynamic Harmony With Nature Allows One to Find Ancient and New Age Wisdom

               8.4   Need for Holistic Perception to Promote Sustainable Development

8.4.1   Understanding Prosperity and Welfare in a Holistic Way

               8.5   ‘Units’ and ‘Space’

               8.6   Nature is Self-Organized and in space Self-Organization is Available

   9.   Implementation of Professional Ethics                                       -

        9.1   Human Values,  100

9.1.1   Types of Values

9.1.2   Common Acceptance of Human Values

        9.2   Ethics

9.2.1   Content of Ethic

9.2.2   Types of Ethics

      9.3   Humanistic Education

      9.4   Humanistic Constitution

      9.5   A critical review of the current management models in profession

      9.6   Definitiveness of ethical human conduct,

      9.7   Issues in Professional Ethics in the Current Scenario

10.   Self-Realization and Self-Actualization                                      -

      10.1   Introduction

      10.2   Significance of self-realisation

     10.3   Happiness and self-realization

     10.4   What is self-realization?

     10.5   Importance of Self-Realization

     10.6   Self-actualization


  I   Word Meanings

II   Practice Session

              III   References
