Computer Applications
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-90-2; First Edition 2014; pp. xvi+207

   Delhi price: 170      Outside Delhi price: 180      Overseas price : 510

 About The Book  

    The computer is the most powerful tool that man has created. It is rightly said that the world is divided into two groups—one who controls the computers and other who are controlled by the computers. The use of computers is rather necessary in all the activities of the man and as such the strength of the nation depends upon how far this technology is utilised.
    An attempt has been made to present the subject matter introducing the concepts and applications of the Computer in 6 Chapters comprising of Introduction; Operating System; Data Transmission & Computer Network; Programming; Programming Language C; and Application Software. The important terms on Computer & Basic Electronics, and Abbreviations are given at the beginning. Each chapter ends with revision exercises to ensure proper understanding.


• Introduction
• Characteristics of computer
• Limitations of computer
• Functions of computer
• History of development of the computer
• Generation of computers
• Capabilities/applications/importance of computer in different areas
• Disadvantages of computers
• Differences between computers and calculators
• Classifications of computers
• The difference between main frame computers mini computers
    and micro computers
• The difference between main frame computers and supercomputers
• Hardware and software
• Differences between hardware and software
• Elements/organization of computer
• Memory
• Cache memory
• Random Access Memory (RAM)
• Read Only Memory (ROM)
• Difference Between RAM and ROM
• Hard disk
• Floppy disk
• Magnetic tape
• Video CD
• Zip disk
• Input and output devices
• Printer
• Visual Display Unit (VDU)
• Keyboard
• Mouse
• Scanner
• Light pen
• Applications of computers in a pharmacy and clinical trials
• Number systems
• Types of number system

• Introduction
• Purpose objectives and features of operating systems
• Operating system—types and functions
• Advantages and disadvantages of operating system
• Windows and their operating systems
• The UNIX structure/ The UNIX architecture
• Similarities and differences between MS-Dos and Unix
• Disk Operating System (DOS)
• Versions of DOS
• Functions of Disk Operating System
• Use of wildcard characters
• Printing a file
• Internal command
• External command
• Difference between internal and external commands
• Advantages and disadvantages of DOS

• Data transmission and modes
• Various communication channels/media
• Transmission media/Communication media
• Bounded media
• Coaxial cable
• Twisted pair cable
• Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)
• Shielded twisted pair (STP)
• Fiber optics cable
• Unbounded/unguided media
• Radio waves
• Satellite microwaves
• Infrared waves
• Networking
• Computer network—characteristics and objectives
• Seven layers of communication
• OSI seven layer model
• Advantages of OSI network layers
• Network connection types
• Application of networks
• Advantages of computer network
• Types of computer networks
• LAN in computer networking
• MAN in computer networks
• WAN in computer networks
• Difference between LAN and WAN
• Network topology
• Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
• World Wide Web

• Introduction
• Programming language
• Characteristics of a good programming language
• Imperative and functional programming languages
• Types of programming languages
• Low level languages
• Machine language
• Assembly language
• High level languages
• Difference between low-level and high-level language
• Difference between machine language and assembly language
• Differences between high level and assembly language
• Assembler
• Compiler
• Compilation process
• Difference between compiler and interpreter
• Interpreter
• Syntax
• Semantics
• Algorithm—characteristics and properties
• Advantages and disadvantages of algorithm
• Flowchart
• Types of flowcharts
• General rules for flowcharting
• Standard flowcharting symbols
• Advantage and disadvantage of using flowchart
• Difference between flowchart and algorithms
• Examples of flowchart
• Stacks and queues

• Introduction
• Main features of C language
• Characteristics of C
• Execution of C program
• Advantages and disadvantages of C language
• Data types in C language
• Arrays
• C–pointers
• C program structure
• Union
• Qualifiers
• C-input and output
• Constants in C
• Variable
• Operators in C
• Increment and decrement operators
• Control statements
• Function
• Header files
• C-strings
• Recursion

• Introduction
• Types of application software
• System software
• Word processing and its features
• Formatting a document in ms word
• Setup and print a word document
• Make a table on Microsoft word/ table handling
• Working with images in Microsoft word/ picture handling
• Microsoft office word
• Making new document
• Mail merge
• Start a mail merge
• Spreadsheet—features and uses
• Format worksheet
• Workbooks
• Import or export text files
• Graphing with excel
• Power Point presentation
• Creating PowerPoint presentation/slide designing
• Inserting images in PowerPoint/ Image or picture handling

APPENDIX : Model Question Papers