Pharmacologists of India
 -Their Contribution
  by P.C. Dandiya, S.K Kulkarni & G.D. Khilnani
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-11-5; 1st Ed. 2017 ; pp.xvi+354

   Delhi price: 900      Outside Delhi price: 950      Overseas price : 2700

 About The Book  

   ‘Pharmacologists of India: Their contribution’ looks at the developments in pharmacological and drug development sciences that have taken place in the last half a century. More than 40 scientists working in University, medical institutions, national laboratory, pharmaceutical industry and scientists of Indian origin working in Western universities have shared their experiences in this endeavor. India’s success story in information and communication technology, and with nearly 8% GDP it aspires to become global destination point in many areas of science, technology, healthcare and manufacturing hub. India is already a global supplier of quality generic medicines to both developing and developed world. However, the country still looks at the West for scientific innovations particularly in basic medical sciences. The contributors to the book, some of them are leading lights in the field have expressed their trials and tribulations in India becoming a drug discovery destination point.
   The book comprises of 9 chapters which deals with the various topics like human values, harmony in society and harmony with nature alongwith different ethics of professional life in easy and well defined manner.



     Journey in to Pharmacology: Indian Pharmacologists

 1   My journey in to Pharmacology: P.C. Dandiya

 2   Research contributions from countryside: My Journey in Pharmacology PSRK Haranath

 3   Late Dr. Om Datt Gulati (1927-2012): A legend in Autonomic Pharmacology: R. Balaraman

 4   My professional journey: Naranjan S. Dhalla

 5   Late R.B. Arora: Founder Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology, AIIMS, New Delhi - S.K. Gupta

 6   In pursuit of truth in Pharmacological sciences: Popat Narayan Patil

 7   My journey into Pharmacology: From the valleys of Kashmir to Atlanta in the USA - Pushkar Nath Kaul

 8   Pharmacology research: Stress, phenothiazines and indigenous drugs : Late VN. Sharma

 9   Pharmacology Odyssey - BR Madan

10   Reverse pharmacology for integrative research in Ayurveda and modern medicine - Ashok Vaidya and Hiteshi Shah

11   Pharmacology : My first love - J.S. Bapna

12   Late Professor Salil K. Bhattacharya (1939-2003) : A doyen of Indian neuropharmacology - Avijit Hazra

13   13. Making of a Pharmacologist: My journey - S.K. Kulkarni

14   50 years of Clinical Pharmacology from laboratory to villages through DNA and disasters - Nilima Kshirsagar

15   My journey to become a Pharmacologist - S.K. Gupta

16   Pharmacology research in JN Medical College, Aligarh: Anthelmintics and related studies - K.C. Singhal

17   Journey of fortunes as Pharmacologist - Ramesh Kumar Goyal

18   Four decades in Pharmacological Research: Pharmacokinetics to Pharmacogenomics - C. Adithan

19   Contributions to Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology Education - Ramasamy Raveendran and Gitanjali Batmanabane

20   From the College of Pharmacy, Pusa to DIPSAR University, New Delhi - Shy am S. Agrawal


     Indian Contributions to Pharmacological Sciences

21   . The perspective of New Drug Discovery Research in India: Ram Pratap and Nitya Anand

22   Contributions to Psychopharmacology : PC. Dandiya

23   Ten Drugs that Changed Our lives: Increased Life Span : PC. Dandiya

24   My experience with LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) : PC. Dandiya

25   The story of Centchroman: A Contraceptive with Multiple Therapeutics Potential : V.P Kamboj and Nitya Anand

26   Impact of reserpine isolated from Indian Plant Rauwolfia serpentine on modern medicine : P.C. Dandiya and S.K. Kulkarni

27   Therapeutic journey with Terminalia arjuna and other herbs in cardiovascular diseases : Shridhar Dwivedi and Deepti Chopra

28   Modest research approaches in understanding the complex brain functions : C.T. Chopde and N.K. Subhedar

29   Rational drug design approaches in the synthesis of centbutindole, , centhaquin, anti:thrombotic (S:002:333),
       cardioprotective (93:478) and related molecules of CDRI : Anil K. Saxena

30  Saroglitazar, a novel first in class drug discovered and developed in India for management of diabetic dyslipidemia and
      related metabolic conditions : Mukul R. Jain and Suresh R. Giri

31   A Walk under the Blazing Sun : Shivprakash Rathnam

32   Neurosteroid Research : D. Samba Reddy

33   Models of access to medicines and rational use of medicines : Nirmal Gurbani

34   Developments of drugs from botanicals: Proposed Regulations of Phytopharmaceuticals : D.B. Anantha Narayana

35   Drugs developed in 20th century: Gurudas Khilnani and Ajeet Kumar Khilnani

36   H3 histamine receptors and epilepsy: Contributions to Pharmacological Research : Divya Vohora

37   Role of prazosin in the management of severe Indian red (Mesobuthus tumulus) Scorpion Bits: My Experiences : H.R. Bawaskar


     Legendary Pharmacologists                                                                            

38  A legendary pharmacologist of India: Col Ram Nath Chopra : Compiled by S.K. Kulkarni

39   A pioneer in pharmacology : B. Mukerjee : Compiled by S.K. Kulkarni

40   Late Professor Krishna Prasad Bhargava : Contributed by Balram Bhargava

41  An Enigmatic Stalwart : Late Yellapragada Subbarow: Contributed by Priyanka Kamath and K Ashok Shenoy  

42  Heroes of Yesterday: My Tribute : Gurudas Khilnani 

43   Late V. Ishwariah (1898:1983) Stalwart in Pharmacology : PS.R.K. Haranath

44   Late Dr. Moreshwar V Nadkarni : Nalini Nadkarni


45   A Pharmacological classic resurfaces from the Archives : S.K. Kulkarni
