A Professor Remembers - Some More
  by P.C. Dandiya

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   ISBN 978-81-85731-79-7; 2nd Ed. 2013; pp.viii+440

   Delhi price: 450      Outside Delhi price: 475      Overseas price : 1350

 About The Book  

   It was my friend Girija Vijay of Atlanta, USA, who suggested that I write my autobiography. To my reply that “I was no big shot” she commented, “One does not have to be a very important person to write it.”
  My childhood in my father's home, I have described under “Dharmashala” and the years of adolescence in “My Nani” and “My Days in BHU (I)” followed. During all this period the Second World War was in the forefront of our lives and the main characters Hitler, Mussolini, Churchill, Stalin and Eisenhower were all the time in the news. So was Mahatma Gandhi. It was but natural for me to cover whatever I had absorbed of the ups and downs in the fate of those who fought therein.
  I have covered my courtship with a 16-year-old girl from Delhi under “I Saw Her” and “Three Years Later”, my infatuation with a 19-year-old from Karachi in “The Midnight Knock” and a rendezvous with 30-year-old woman in Prague (Czechoslovakia) in “The Journeying Backwards: Maria and the Boat Party”. A very impressionable period which I went through was the independence of the country from British rule; I have included this in “Lucknow”.
  In every country, women are more likely to suffer the pangs of life than men, but in India it can go to extremes. Of the two women, Tara Devi, and Koshal, one succumbed and the other fought it out. I have covered these two episodes in my family under “Nogimama” and “Koshal (I) and Koshal (II)”.
  The Royal Family of Jaipur had a great impact on me right from childhood through adolescence. Even today, I am obsessed with heir physical beauty, spirit of sacrifice and contributions made by their forefathers. I have described that under “The Maharaja's Third Wife”.
  I had plenty to do with Muslims during my childhood. Many years later, I worked with them again very closely for nine years in Libya and at Hamdard University in Delhi. This allowed me to know and understand their psyche better. During this long period, I received a great deal of affection and appreciation from them. This brought me closer to them and I have tried to place some of my experiences in “The Muslim Connection”.
  My three-year stay in Toronto gave me an opportunity to imbibe the work culture of the West and I was able to understand a new perspective of human values and western civilization. It also brought me in contact with top medical researchers. I have incorporated my experiences in “In Canada”. My stay in Toronto helped me to develop a new kind of relationship with my teachers and perhaps this was to become the basis of my association with my students at a later date.
  There are many able persons whose charm, affection, generosity and nobility endeared them to me and enriched my life. These are Shrinath Sharma, Paramjit Rai Pabrai in “My days in BHU (I)”; Pushkar Kaul, Mukund Yelvigi, Prasun Das and Henry Durham in chapters carrying their names.
  I was lucky in having with me, intelligent and highly-industrious students who came to work with me for advanced degrees in pharmacology and allied sciences. I received more from them than I could give them. If I were to enumerate all those, the list will be long but I have been able to include at least three of them under “Jawahar Bapna”, “Shrinivas Kulkarni” and “Nirmal Gurbani”.
  I was and continue to remain highly-fascinated with man's landing on the moon. For me, it has been like a child's fantasy and I have written about this weakness under “The Moon Landing”. All my life I have worked with drugs. A highly-misunderstood substance that I prefer to categorize as a drug is alcohol and I thought it important to share my views in “On Alcohol”. My experiment with LSD given in “LSD (Lysergic Acid)” was self-inflicted for I had to know the truth about the most fascinating, mind-twisting chemical substance ever produced.
  Under “Journeying Backwards” I have narrated some incidents of my simple life. Each citizen has his own views on things, especially if these have gone wrong. Very few express it and in writing, rarely ever. I have not missed this opportunity to express my own grievance against those from whom I expected better performance under “Reflections”.

  If I did not have “Florida: My Second Home”, this book would have perhaps never been written. It was done on Bharati's stationery and Rohit's computer.
  Books of this kind are seen, read and forgotten. The only persons who will hold it dear for the next 50 years are my three grand daughters to whom I am addressing it.


   INTRODUCTION TO PART-II (second edition)
 1. The Last Letter
 2. A Visit to Lahore
 3. The Places I would Like to Visit Again
 4. The Jain Religion
 5. Trips to China
 6. The Books I Advocate
 7. Asha
 8. The Women I Value
 9. Why I Love Jaipur
10. An Experience: The Family Medicine Book
11. Ten Drugs That Changed Our Lives1
12. Phool Singh: The Incredible
13. As a Teacher
14. Dr. Robert Heilig
15. Dr. Lalit Kothari
16. Lucky Jain
17. Sapna and the Bengalis of Cooch Behar
18. G.N. Singh

   INTRODUCTION TO PART-I (first edition)
19. A Letter to My Granddaughters
20. I Was Born
21. The Dharmashala
22. My Nani
23. I Saw Her in 1942-43
24. My Days at BHU (I)
25. I Saw Her Again : Three Years Later in 1946
26. The Midnight Knock
27. Lucknow : India gets Independence 1947
28. The Maharaja's Third Wife
29. S.M.S. Medical College and Kasliwal
30. The Marriage
31. New Drugs : Exposure to Research
32. Our Children Were Born
33. In Canada
34. LSD (Lysergic Acid)
35. The Moon Landing
36. Libya
37. The Mother
38. The Muslim Connection
39. My Days at BHU (II) : Indra Gandhi Killed
40. Florida: My Second Home
41. Mukund Yelvigi
42. Jawahar Bapna
43. Pushkar Kaul
44. Shrinivas Kulkarni
45. Drugs are Like Women
46. Nirmal Gurbani