MCQs in Medical Biochemistry
  by P.K. Sharma
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   ISBN 81-85731-07-1; 2nd Edition 2006; Rpt 2014; pp. viii+240

   Delhi price: 140      Outside Delhi price: 147      Overseas price : 420

 About The Book  

   Modern trend for assessment of an individual’s aptitude, thoroughness of the knowledge is shifting from traditional essay type of questions to multiple choice questions. This methodology has been adapted for almost all the entrance competitive examinations. Multiple choice questions not only assist in estimating an individual’s aptitude but also help in knowing the depth of understanding
  This book provides a comprehensive subject matter in a clear and concise manner. To meet the essential requirements each topic has been separately dealt with, and includes the summary of the subject which aims to help the student in rapid revision of the subject and positive multiple choice questions of all grades—simple and straight forward, complicated and thought provoking and difficult, requiring thorough knowledge of the subject, have been framed and the latest acceptable advancements have been included. The questions and answers have been thoroughly checked but suggestions will be appreciated.


1. Chemistry of Carbohydrates
2. Chemistry of Lipids
3. Chemistry of Aamino Acids and Peptides
4. Chemistry of Proteins
5. Chemistry of Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids
6. Enzymes
7. Vitamins
8. Biologic Oxidation
9. Porphyrins
10. Immunology
11. Water Metabolism
12. Minerals
13. Metabolism of Carbohydrates
14. Metabolism of Lipids
15. Metabolism of Proteins
16. Metabolism of Purine and Pyrimidine Nucleotides
17. Protein Synthesis and Genetics
18. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
19. Hormones
20. Diet and Nutrition
21. Acid Base Balance
22. Liver Function Test
23. Renal Function Test