Good Pharmacy Practices in Hospital Pharmacy
  by B. K. Gupta / R. N. Gupta
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-06-1; 1st Ed. 2021; pp.152

   Delhi price: 140      Outside Delhi price: 150      Overseas price : 420

 About The Book  

The role of the hospital pharmacy for appropriate and cost-effective rational drug therapy cannot be undermined in a clinical setup. The hospital pharmacy’s role is imperative beginning from the procurement, preparation of Hospital Formulary, Quality Assurance, storage at proper temperature and humidity conditions, computerized stock maintenance, adopting a FIFO system based on expiry dating of the medicine in question. The chapters of this book are the outcome of several years’ practical study of the functions in a hospital pharmacy and non- or under-utilization of the Pharmacist in the health delivery system. The role of pharmacist in drug information, administration, monitoring, identifying and reporting the age related dosage and similar other aspects are covered in this book. The economic aspects of hospital pharmacy will go a long way in preparing generic equivalent of the costly branded medicines, medical devices by undertaking bulk compounding, packaging and testing the quality of the medicines. The pharmacist can share the outcome of drug therapy with other health professionals like physicians, surgeons, physiotherapists and nurses. This book would be useful to all health care professionals and persons directly or indirectly involved ranging from drug manufacturer to patient in a clinical or community pharmacy setup.



1 Introduction
2 Present Scenario
3 Methodology for Good Pharmacy Practices in Hospital Pharmacy
  3.1 Module-I : Preparation of hospital formulary
  3.2 Module-II : Medicines Procurement of Medicines
  3.3 Module-III : Inventory control
  3.4 Module-IV : Storage
  3.5 Module-V : Quality Assurance
  3.6 Module-VI : Dispensing-indoor, outdoor and 24 hrs dispensing of medicines
  3.7 Module-VII : Clinical pharmacy
  3.8 Module-VIII : Pharmacovigilance (adverse drug reactions monitoring)
  3.9 Module-IX : Manufacturing Pharmacy
 3.10 Module-X : Patient Counseling
 3.11 Module-XI : Drug Information Centre
 3.12 Module-XII : Central Sterilization
 3.13 Module-XIII : Nuclear pharmacy
4 Biblography
    A. The Drugs And Cosmetics Rules, 1945
    B. Schedule K of Drugs & Cosmetics Rules
    C. Hathi Committee report on Hospital Pharmacy
    D. NHRC Report on Hospital Pharmacy
    E. Guidelines on use of IV fluids in Hospital by CDSCO
    F. Gazzete Extraordinary : PART II—Section 3—Sub-section (ii)