Fundamentals of Community Pharmacy Practice
  by Anantha Naik Nagappa/Uday Venkat Mateti/Vaishnavi Naik
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-44-3; 1st ED 2022, pp.168

   Delhi price: 140      Outside Delhi price: 147      Overseas price : 420

 About The Book  

   This book is an introduction of fundamentals of community pharmacy practice. The book comprises 20 chapters covering elements of community pharmacy practice, services, ethics and legal requirements for establishing licensed community pharmacy centres like retail pharmacy and chain pharmacy.


  1. Introduction to Pharmacy and its Role in Healthcare

  2. Community Pharmacist’s Roles and Responsibilities and Emergence of Community Pharmacist as a Public Health Provider

  3. Community Pharmacy Management

  4. Prescriptions and e-Prescriptions

  5. Inventory Control in Community Pharmacy

  6. Pharmaceutical Care

  7. Patient Counselling

  8. Patient Information Leaflets

  9. Patient Medication Adherence

10. Health Screening Services

11. Over the Counter (OTC) Medications

12. Health Education

13. Communicable Diseases

14. Responding to Symptoms of Minor Ailments

15. Essential Drugs Concept and Rational Drug Therapy

16. Code of Ethics for Community Pharmacists and Pharmacy Practice Regulations

17. Home Medication Review

18. Pharmacovigilance In Community Pharmacy Practice

19. Posology Science of Dose of Drugs

20. Trends in Community Pharmacy