Practical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  by Harikishan Singh & V.K. Kapoor
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-16-0; 1st Ed. 1994; Rpt 2022 pp.viii+208

   Delhi price: 180      Outside Delhi price: 190      Overseas price : 540

 About The Book  

   The analysis with chemical bias is spread over the subjects of the Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology.    The scope of the experiments listed in this manual is kept within the limits of these subjects.


  1. introduction

  2. Laboratory Techniques

  3. Identification Tcsts on Selected
      Inorganic Drugs and Pharmaceutical Aids

  4. Limit Tests

  5. Volumetric Analysis

  6. Titrimetric Assays

  7. Some Basic Techniques

  8. Qualitative Organic Analysis

  9. Identification Tests on Some
      Organic Medicinal Substances

10. Organic Preparations

11. Qualitative Analysis of Some Natural Products

      APPENDIX I : Reagents and Solutions

      APPENDIX II: Questions for Quiz Tcsts

