Pharmaceutical Biochemistry [Theory and Practicals]
  by Sharma & Dandiya
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-83-4; 2nd Ed. 2013, Rpt 2020; pp. viii+358

   Delhi price: 280      Outside Delhi price: 295      Overseas price : 840

 About The Book  

    This one has been written to meet the requirements of the Bachelor's course in pharmacy as per the syllabi prescribed by All India Council for Technical Education and adopted by other universities including the Universities of Health Sciences. The theoretical part has been divided into 18 hapters. Due emphasis on cell structure, transport mechanism, metabolic pathways, molecular biology, biochemical functions of hormones have been given. A few questions have been given at the end of each chapter to help the students in preparing for the examinations.

    Some of the chapters i.e. Biological oxidation, Enzymes, Carbohydrate metabolism, Biosynthesis of nucleic acids have been updated. In the Practical part, qualitative tests for carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and a few exercises as per syllabi prescribed by All India Council for Technical Education have been included.

    The book also includes the Practical Exercises within the limits of approved syllabi in pharmaceutical biochemistry along with the interpretations.
    The book will be found interesting by the students and faculty of pharmacy and also of medical, dental and other allied fields.


   PART I — Theory

  1. The Cell and Transport through Membranes
  2. Bioenergetics
  3. Biologic Oxidation
  4. Enzymes
  5. Metalloenzymes, Coenzymes and Vitamins
  6. Carbohydrate Metabolism
  7. Lipid Metabolism
  8. The Nitrogen and Sulphur Cycles
  9. Metabolism of NH3 and Nitrogen containing Monomers
10. Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids
11. Protein Biosynthesis
12. Regulation of Gene Expression
13. Organ Function Tests
14. Hormones

   PART II — Practicals

1. Buffers and pH
    1-1 Preparation of standard buffer solutions
    1-2 Measurement of pH

2. Titration Curve for Amino Acids

3. Special Techniques for Separation of Mixtures
    3-1 Electrophoresis
    3-2 Chromatography
    3-3 Electrophoresis of Serum Proteins
    3-4 Separation of Amino Acids by two dimensional paper chromatography
    3-5 Two dimentional thin layer chromatography for Urinary Amino Acids
    3-6 Two dimensional separation of Amino Acids by electrophoresis followed
          by chromatography
    3-7 Separation of Lipids by thin layer chromatography

4. (1) Identification of C-Terminal Amino Acid of a Protein
    (2) Identification of N-Terminals Amino Acid of a Protein

5. Isolation and Assay of Glycogen from Liver and Skeletal Muscle of Rats
6. Enzymic Hydrolysis of Glycogen by α and β Amylase
7. Effect of Temperature & pH on the Activity of β Amylase

  8. Isolation and Determination of RNA and DNA
     8-1 Isolation of RNA
     8-2 Estimation of RNA by Orcinol reaction
     8-3 Isolation of DNA from pig spleen
     8-4 Estimation of DNA by diphenylamine reaction

  9. Qualitative Tests for Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids
     Tests for Carbohydrates; Proteins ;
     Lipids ; Glycerol ; Cholesterol

10. Determination of Blood Constituents
     10-1(a) Blood glucose
     10-1(b) Carbohydrates by Anthrone Method
     10-1(c) Reducing sugars using DNS
     10-2 Serum proteins
     10-3 SGOT and SGPT
     10-4 Serum bilirubin
     10-5 Serum alkaline phosphatase
     10-6 Serum cholesterol
     10-7 Serum calcium
     10-8 Urine calcium
     10-9 Serum urea
     10-10 Serum creatinine
     10-11 Urine creatinine
     10-12 Serum and urine chlorides
     10-13 Urinary Acidity and Ammonia

11. Flame Photometry—Determination of Sodium and Potassium in Serum
       and Urine.

12. Milk
     12-1 Lactose ; 12-2 Casein

13. Normal Urine
14. Abnormal Constituents of Urine
15. Quantitative Estimation of Reducing Sugar in Urine
16. Liver Function Tests
17. Renal Function Tests
18. Gastric Juice