Health Education and Community Pharmacy
  by Dr P.C. Dandiya, Dr Z.Y.Khan Zafer & Dr Afifa Zafer
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-67-4; 7th Ed. 2012, Rpt 2021; pp.viii+352

   Delhi price: 200      Outside Delhi price: 210      Overseas price : 600

 About The Book  

    The pharmacist of India has now been recognised as an important member of the health team. His knowledge and information on drugs cannot develop in isolation of problems of health, and the causes and prevention of disease.
    He has to equip himself with the methods employed in the prevention of diseases to enable the individual to lead a healthy life. For this he has to familiarize with the various aspects of government sponsored community health programmes as well.
    In recent years, some previously rare diseases like Chikungunya and Dengue have become more prominent and a high incidence of ailments (diabetes and heart related) that occur due to changes in life style.
    In this edition, the concepts of pharmacovigilance, rational use of medicines, integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses (IMNCI) and Census 2011 figures have been incorporated with photographs.


1 Concept of Health
Definition; physical, mental, social, spiritual and vocational dimensions of health. Determinants and indicators of health. Role of pharmacist in community. Essential and rational use of medicines.

2 Concept of Disease
Definition, Web of causation, Natural history of disease—agents, host and environment; Risk factors. Concept of prevention of diseases, health promotion, rehabilitation.

3 Nutrition and Health
Nutrition, food and nutrients, Classification of foods, Energy value of nutrients, Requirements, sources and diseases induced due to deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals including their treatment and prevention. Balanced diet and dietary goals.

4 Demography and Family Planning
Demography, demographic cycle, Family planning, Role of WHO, National population policy, National demo-graphic goals, Indian situation of population, Measurement of fertility, Millennium development goals, Contraceptive methods.

5 First Aid
Definition, First aid box, Control of emergency situation, Emergency treatment for choking, shock, snake bite, burns and scalds, burn due to electricity. Poisoning. Heart diseases. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Hypertensive emergencies, Fractures, Abrasion, Bleeding, Wounds, Elements of minor surgery and dressings.

6 Environment and Health
Concept of environment, Water sources, water pollution and purification, air, noise, light, solid waste disposal and control—refuse and excreta, Medical entomology—arthropod born diseases and their control, rodents, animals and diseases. Biomedical waste management.

7 Microbiology
Definition, fundamental principles, Classification of microbes, Staining techniques of common microorganisms.

8 Communicable Diseases
Definition, causative agents, mode of transmission, incubation period, prevention and control. Respiratory infections, Intestinal infections, Arthropod born diseases, Surface infections and Sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS.

9 Non-Communicable Diseases
Definition, causative agents, prevention, care and control of cancer, diabetes, blindness and cardiovascular diseases.

10 Epidemiology
Definition, scope and uses, Dynamics of disease trans-mission. Immunity, immunization and immunizing agents, Principles of disease control and prevention, Hospital acquired infections, prevention and control, Disinfection, types of disinfection, disinfection procedures.

APPENDIX I Glossary of Common Medical Terms
APPENDIX II Question Bank