Singh & Kapoor's—Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  by V.K. Kapoor
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-03-0; 6th Ed. 2016, Rpt 2020; pp.x+504

   Delhi price: 380      Outside Delhi price: 400      Overseas price : 1140

 About The Book  

  The Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry has been described in a review as ‘a standard textbook for diploma students’.
   The present sixth edition comes with a changed title as “Harkishan Singh and V.K. Kapoor’s Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry” maintaining the style and contents of the proceeding edition. The coverage in each of the chapters related to medicinal agents has been updated by including the important drug substances used clinically and covering the drugs and formulations official in the Indian Pharmacopoeia 2010 and its addenda. The unofficial drugs which are included in the Education Regulations 1991 of the Pharmacy Council of India continue to be appropriately dealt.
   The scope covers the chemical nomenclature of organic drugs, their general properties and storage conditions, particular aspects of stability, uses and listing of pharmaceutical preparations of the official drugs. So far as the chemical nomenclature is concerned, the focus is on drugs having simple structures.
   The appendices on organic groups, simple hetrocyclic systems, doses of organic drugs and the glossary of medical terms may appeal to students in general, irrespective of their level of study. The appendices on revision exercises and objective questions may also be useful.


1. Introduction
2. Chemical Naming of Organic Drugs
3. General Anaesthetics
4. Local Anaesthetics
5. Hypnotics and Sedatives
6. Anticonvulsant Drugs
7. Opioid Analgesics
8. Antitussives and Expectorants
9. Psychoactive Drugs
10. Central Nervous System Stimulants
11. Antiparkinsonism Drugs
12. Adrenergic Drugs
13. Cholinergic and Anticholinesterase Agents
14. Antispasmodic and Antiulcer Drugs
15. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants
16. Antihistamines
17. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Agents and Analgesics-Antipyretics
18. Cardiovascular Agents
19. Diuretics
20. Coagulants, Haemostatics and Anticoagulants
21. Oxytocics
22. Hypoglycaemic Agents
23. Thyroids Hormones and Antithyroid Drugs
24. Steroids and Related Drugs
25. Vitamins
26. Anthelmintics
27. Antimalarials
28. Antiamoebic Drugs
29. Miscellaneous Antiprotozoal Drugs
30. Sulphonamides
31. Antibiotics
32. Urinary Tract Antiseptics
33. Antimycobacterial Agents
34. Antifungal Drugs
35. Antiviral Agents
36. Antineoplastic Agents
37. Diagnostic Agents
38. Insecticides and Insect Repellents
39. Disinfectants and Antiseptics
40. Organic Pharmaceutical Aids

I Doses of Organic Drugs
II Glossary of Medical Terms
III Revision Exercises
IV Objective Questions