A Textbook of Professional Pharmacy
  by N K Jain & S N Sharma
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-99-5; 6th Ed. 2016, Rpt 2023; pp.viii+632

   Delhi price: 520      Outside Delhi price: 545      Overseas price : 1560

 About The Book  

  The book incorporates fundamentals and applications of varied topics in pharmaceutical sciences at introductory level and essentially covers the subject ‘Introduction to Dosage Forms’ as prescribed in the syllabi of most of the Indian universities at Degree level as well as ‘Pharmaceutics I and II’ at the Diploma level as prescribed by the Pharmacy Council of India.

  The current (sixth) edition has brought out with drastic changes in all chapters fulfilling the commitment of the authors to provide the latest information to the readers. Chapter 25 (Pharmaceutical Packaging) has been rewritten and greatly expanded. A new chapter on Quality Assurance (Chapter 27) has also been added to keep pace with latest developments in pharmaceutical industry.

  The book lays great emphasis on hospital pharmacy, formulations and industrial aspects. to train pharmacists for professional work in retail and hospital pharmacy in particular and other professional aspects in general.
  This book also provides good basic material to students of the first degree course in pharmacy.


1 Introduction to Dosage Forms
2 History of Pharmacopœias
3 Size Reduction and Grading of Solids
4 Mixing and Homogenization
5 Filtration and Clarification
6 Heat Processes
7 Extraction Processes
8 Sterilization
9 Physical Properties of Drugs Influencing Design of Dosage Form
10 Chemical Characteristics of Drugs and Formulation
11 Absorption, Distribution, Biotransformation and Elimination of Drugs
12 Bioavailability Concepts and Dosage Form Factors Affecting Bioavailability
13 Pharmaceutical Additives
14 Monophasic Liquid Dosage Forms
15 Biphasic Liquid Dosage Forms
16 Semisolid Dosage Forms
17 Solid Dosage Forms
18 Parenteral Products
19 Sustained Action Dosage Forms
20 Ayurvedic Dosage Forms
21 Dispensing Pharmacy
22 Hospital Pharmacy
23 Biological Pharmacy
24 Biological Products
25 Pharmaceutical Packaging
26 Pharmaceutical Management
27 Quality Assurance