  by N.K. JAIN
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-47-4; 1st Ed. 2022, pp.v+202

   Delhi price: 170      Outside Delhi price: 180      Overseas price : 510

 About The Book  

   Pharmaceutics [PCI Course Code: ER20-11T] according to ER 2020 has been designed to impart basic knowledge and skills on the art and science of formulating and dispensing different pharmaceutical dosage forms to the students of Diploma in Pharmacy.

   The syllabus comprises History of Pharmacy profession, Pharmacy as a career and Pharmacopoeia, Packaging materials, Pharmaceutical aids and Preservatives, Unit operations, Pharmaceutical dosage forms, their packaging and labeling, quality control and quality assurance, Pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, and Novel drug delivery systems.

  The subject matter has been explained in simple language, which may be understood easily by the students of diploma in pharmacy. Adequate number of Figures and Tables have been included for better comprehension of the subject matter.

  Exercises prescribed in Pharmaceutics practicals have also been discussed.


1. History of Profession of Pharmacy in India

2. Pharmaceuical Packaging

3. Pharmaceutical Aids

4. Unit Operations

5. Dosage Forms

6. Quality Assurance

7. Novel Drug Delivery Systems

     Revision Questions