Introduction to Pharmaceutics
  by N.K. Jain
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-25-2; 1st Ed. 2020; pp.viii+264;

   Delhi price: 220      Outside Delhi price: 235      Overseas price : 660

 About The Book  

  Pharmaceutics-I has been prescribed for B.Pharm (First Semester; BP103T. PHARMACEUTICS-I) by the Pharmacy Council of India and is mandatory. The students shall be able to (i) know the history of profession of pharmacy and pharmaceutical industry in India, (ii) understand the basics of different dosage forms, pharmaceutical incompatibilities and pharmaceutical calculations, (iii) understand the professional way of handling the prescription, and (iv) the preparation of various conventional dosage forms.

   This book is an attempt to present the desired information in up-to-date, concise and simple language. Two important topics, ‘Waters’ and ‘Solutions’, not prescribed in the PCI syllabus, are also included for the benefit of students. Sufficient numbers of figures, tables and examples are included in relevant chapters throughout the book. Revision Questions will certainly help the students to assess the extent of knowledge attained and help the teachers in framing the questions for examination.


  1. Pharmacy Education in India

  2. Introduction to Dosage Forms

  3. Prescription

  4. Posology

  5. Pharmaceutical Calculations

  6. Powders

  7. Liquid Dosage Forms

  8. Monophasic Liquids

  9. Biphasic Liquids

10. Suppositories

11. Semisolid Dosage Forms

12. Pharmaceutical Incompatibilities

   Revision Questions