Practical Pharmaceutical Engineering
  by Harish Dureja/Viney Chawla/Pooja Chawla
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-52-8; 1st Ed. 2023,

   Delhi price: 100      Outside Delhi price: 105      Overseas price : 300

 About The Book  

   The evolution of this book is a consequence of two decades of teaching this subject to B. Pharmacy students. The primary objective of this book is to present some easy practicals to demonstrate the concepts of pharmaceutical unit operations in simple language. The book has been enriched with detailed write-ups as demonstration practicals on various machines for their easy understanding. A total of 200 multiple choice questions on pharmaceutical engineering make this book a unique and must have text. It prepares the readers for various competitive examinations and end semester examination


 1. To study the effect of various filter media on
     rate of filtration.

 2. To study the effect of viscosity on rate of filtration.

 3. To study the effect of surface area on rate of filtration.

 4. To study the effect of filter aid on rate of filtration
     and to find out the optimum concentration of given filter aid.

 5. To study the effect of cake thickness on
     rate of filtration.

 6. To determine various psychrometric constants using
     a sling psychrometer.

 7. To determine various psychrometric constants
      by metal cylinder method.

 8. To compare the process of crystallization by cooling
      and crystallization by evaporation.

 9. To study the effect of
      different environmental conditions on rate of evaporation.

10. To study the effect of concentration of
      dissolved substances on rate of evaporation.

11. To study the effect of surface area on rate of drying.

12. To study the effect of surface area on
      rate of evaporation.

13. To establish the validity of Konowaloff’s rule by
      simple distillation.

14. To determine the efficiency of steam distillation.

15. To find out the influence of lagging on the efficiency of
      simple distillation.

16. To study the effect of temperature on rate of drying.

17. To study the drying pattern of the given material

18. To determine the overall heat transfer coefficient of the
      given material (glass).

19. To determine the effect of number of balls on the grinding
      efficiency of a ball mill.

20. To demonstrate the construction, working
      and application of fluid energy mill.

21. To study the objectives, theories and factors affecting
      size reduction.

22. To study the objectives, types, mechanisms and factors
      affecting mixing.

23. To demonstrate the construction,
      working and applications of Colloid /Colloidal Mill.

24. To demonstrate the construction,
      working and applications of Fluidized bed dryer.

25. To demonstrate the construction,
      working and applications of dehumidifier.

26. To demonstrate the construction,
      working and applications of Freeze dryer.

27. To demonstrate the construction,
      working and applications of Planetary mixer.

28. To demonstrate the construction of various size
      frequency curves including arithmetic and
      logarithmic probability plots.

29. To demonstrate the construction and working of
      rotary tablet machine.

      Answer Key