Current Dosage Form Design
  by N.K. JAIN
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-97-1; 1st Ed. 2015, Rpt 2023 (updated); pp.viii+264

   Delhi price: 250      Outside Delhi price: 265      Overseas price : 750

 About The Book  

   Dosage Form Design has always been on the forefront of pharmaceutics as an important topic equally in academia and industry.
The subject requires a thorough grinding of fundamental principles of pharmaceutical as well as allied disciplines.
Regulatory agencies across the globe also insist on scientific approach and current concepts in the design of dosage forms.
Thus the empirical approach has to pave the way for more rational, scientific strategy because the dosage form design is undergoing drastic changes.
Dosage Form design lays the foundation to ensure and assure the quality, safety and efficacy of modern pharmaceutical dosage forms.

   This text includes the topics prescribed in the syllabi of most of the Indian universities and provides uptodate matter in simple language.


1. Preformulation

2. Pharmaceutical Additives

3. Polymers

4. Stability Studies

5. Pharmaceutical Validation

6. Performance Evaluation Methods

7. Standard Operating Procedures

8. Biopharmaceutical Classification System

APPENDIX : Revision Questions
