Modern Pharmacognosy
  by Jagdev Singh and Sanjay Singh
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-32-0; 1st Ed. 2021; pp.viii+440

   Delhi price: 400      Outside Delhi price: 420      Overseas price : 1200

 About The Book  

   The book titled, “Modern Pharmacognosy” has been written for the students of (B.Pharm & Diploma Pharm.) and is according to the syllabus requirements of the Indian regulatory bodies. The chapters on Hallucinogens, Bitters, Sweeteners, Neutraceuticals, Cosmaceuticals, Therapeutic and Economic Potential and inclusion of drugs like Taxus, Ginko-Biloba, Silibum marianum, Artemisia and Coleus forskohlii are the modern requirements. The retention of drugs like Aspidium, Aconite and curare is because of their Academic and Research Importance.
   The present day pharmacognosy includes the contribution of researchers from the fields of Botany, Agronomy, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Nutritional Science, Clinicians and Herbal R&D Professionals including traditional and allied systems of medicine (Ayurvedic) for providing useful knowledge on herbs.


  1. Pharmacognosy
  2. Classification of Drugs
  3. Genetics
  4. Pest Control Drugs
  5. Quality Control of Herbal Drugs
  6. Gums and Mucilages
  7. Fixed Oils and Fats
  8. Resins, Oleo-Gum-Resins and Balsams
  9. Tannins
10. Volatile Oils
11. Volatile Oil Containing Drugs
12. Fibres
13. Pharmaceutical Aids
14. Preliminary Phytochemical Screening
15. Glycosides
16. Anthraquinones Glycosides
17. Other Glycosidal Drugs
18. Traditional Medicine
19. Alkaloid Containing Drugs
20. Hallucinogens/Allergens
21. Bitters
22. Sweeteners
23. Natural Colourants (Dyes)
24. Neutraceuticals
25. Enzymes
26. Cosmeceuticals
27. Marine Drugs
28. Plant Tissue Culture
29. Biogenesis/Biosynthesis
30. Therapeutic and Economic Potential of Medicinal Plants
31. Chemical Plant Taxonomy (Comparative Phytochemistry)
32. Quantitative Microscopy