Practical Pharmacognosy
  by C.K. Kokate
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-86-5; 5th Ed. 2014, Rpt. 2020; pp.viii+222

   Delhi price: 180      Outside Delhi price: 190      Overseas price : 540

 About The Book  

   Newer techniques of isolation and analysis of plant derived chemical moieties have come up. Phytopharmacy has opened up new avenues for commercial exploitation. Quality Control and Quality Assurance hold the key to herbal drug technology.
   Knowledge related to establishment of profiles for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of crude drugs and their constituents is updated. Pharmacognosists focus on Systemic Pharmacognosy based on macro- and microscopic studies. An effort is made to include simple exercises on extraction and estimation of herbal constituents of pharmaceutical significance for strengthening laboratory work in pharmacy colleges and other institutions of biosciences. Around 30 exercises have been added to the original text of the book. Inclusion of text on “Frequently Asked Questions” will facilitate the students to preapre for Viva-voce examination. The list of reagents used and bibliography have been updated.
    The revised edition includes additional experiments on Thin-layer chromatography of cinchona alkaloids, and the estimation of capsaicin in fruits of Capsicum annum using HPLC technique and important references for the research students. Some of the diagrams have also been redrawn.


1. Introduction

1. Microscope
    1.01 Compound Microscope
    1.02 Section Cutting
    1.03 Microscopic Examination

2. Aids in Microscopic Work
    2.01 Micrometers
    2.02 Camera Lucida

3. The Cell
    3.01 Components of the cell
    3.02 Tissues and Tissue System
    3.03 Cell Contents

4. Organised (Cellular) Crude Drugs
    4.00 Microscopical Study
    4.01 Quassia
    4.02 Kurchi
    4.03 Cinnamon
    4.04 Cinchona
    4.05 Cascara
    4.06 Senna
    4.07 Digitalis
    4.08 Vasaka
    4.09 Coca
    4.10 Clove
    4.11 Anise
    4.12 Fennel
    4.13 Coriander
    4.14 Caraway
    4.15 Dill
    4.16 Ispaghula
    4.17 Strophanthus
    4.18 Linseed
    4.19 Nux Vomica
    4.20 Ginger
    4.21 Ipecacuanha
    4.22 Aconite
    4.23 Podophyllum
    4.24 Rauwolfia
    4.25 Rhubarb
    4.26 Valerian
    4.27 Glycyrrhiza (Liquorice)
    4.28 Indian Squill (Urginea)
    4.29 Ephedra
    4.30 Ergot
    4.31 Belladonna Herb

5. Unorganised (Acellular) Crude Drugs
    5.00 Identification and Preliminary Tests
    5.01 Aloes
    5.02 Kino
    5.03 Agar
    5.04 Gelatin
    5.05 Acacia (Indian)
    5.06 Tragacanth
    5.07 Indian Tragacanth
    5.08 Colophonyl
    5.09 Sandarac
    5.10 Guaiacum
    5.11 Benzoin
    5.12 Shellac
    5.13 Gamboge
    5.14 Myrrh
    5.15 Asafoetida
    5.16 Gambier (Pale Catechu)
    5.17 Diatomite (Kieselguhr)
    5.18 Prepared Chalk
    5.19 Precipitated Chalk
    5.20 Talc
    5.21 Kaolin
    5.22 Bentonite
    5.23 Lipids (Fixed Oils, Fats and Waxes)

6. Plant Constituents
    6.01 Preliminary Phytochemical Screening
    6.02 Qualitative Chemical Examination

7. Microscope Measurements of Cells and Cell Contents
    7.01 Starch Grains in Powdered Crude Drug
    7.02 The Width of Phloem Fibres in Powdered Crude Drugs
    7.03 Dimensions of Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Powdered Crude Drug

8. Determination of Leaf Surface Data (Leaf Constants)
    8.01 Vein-Islet and Veinlet Termination Number
    8.02 Stomatal Number and Stomatal Index
    8.03 Palisade Ratio

9. Evaluation of Crude Drugs
    9.01 Volatile Oil Content of a Crude Drug
    9.02 Ash Values of Crude Drug
    9.03 Extractive Values of a Crude Drug
    9.04 Detection of Taste and Odour of Volatile Oil
    9.05 Determination of Foreign Matter
    9.06 Total Tannin Content in Herbal Drug
    9.07 Loss on Drying and Dry Residue of Extract
    9.08 Some Qualitative Evaluation Tests of Essential Oils
    9.09 Chromatography—Methanolic Extract of S. nigrum Seeds
    9.10 Quantitative Microscopy-Lycopodium Spore Method
    9.11 Determination of Swelling Factor
    9.12 TLC of Liquorice for Detection of Glycyrrhetic Acid
    9.13 Thin Layer Chromatography of Amino Acids
    9.14 Thin Layer Chromatography of Cinchona Alkaloids
    9.15 Determination of Iodine Value of castor Oil
    9.16 Determination of Total Solids
    9.17 TLC Studies of Phytoextracts
    9.18 Crude Fibre in Vegetative Crude Drug
    9.19 Study of Crude Drugs under UV light
    9.20 Carvone in Caraway Oil
    9.21 Total Balsamic Acids in Balsam of Tolu
    9.22 Glycyrrhizic Acid in Liquorice Root
    9.23 Aldehydes in Lemon Oil
    9.24 Mucilage Content of Cinnamon
    9.25 Chromatography of Rhubabrb Extract
    9.26 Gas Chromatographic Estimation of l-Menthol
    9.27 HPTLC of Curcumin
    9.28 Capsaicin in Fruits of C-annum using HPLC

10. Extraction of Phytopharmaceuticals
      10.01 Resin from Indian Podophyllum
      10.02 Eugenol from Cinnamon Leaf Oil
      10.03 Pectin from Orange Peel
      10.04 Curcumin from Turmeric
      10.05 Aloin from Aloes
      10.06 Calcium Citrate from Lemon
      10.07 Caffeine from Tea
      10.08 Starch from Potatoes
      10.09 Carvone From Seeds of Nigella sativa
      10.10 Separation of Ellagic Acid
      10.11 Diosgenin from Tubers
      10.12 Extraction of Rutin
      10.13 Fractionation of Plant extract
      10.14 Solanine from Potatoes
      10.15 Resin from Leaves of Ipomoea palmata
      10.16 Piperine from Black Pepper
      10.17 Extraction of Jalap Resin
      10.18 Tannic Acid from Myrobalan
      10.19 Hecogenin from Agave
      10.20 Crude Solasodine from Berries of Solanium khasianum
      10.21 Oleo-Resin from Ginger
      10.22 Lawsone from Henna
      10.23 Hesperidin from Orange Peel
      10.24 Berberine from Berberis Root
      10.25 Total Alkaloids from Vasaka Leaves
      10.26 Total Alkaloids of Cinchona Bark
      10.27 Sennosides as Calcium Salts from Senna Leaves
      10.28 Strychnine and Brucine from Nux Vomica Seeds
      10.29 Nicotine Picrate from Tobacco Leaves
      10.30 Ammonium Glycyrrhizinate from Liquorice
      10.31 Cetyl Alcohol from Spermaceti

11. Tissue Cultures of T. Foenum-graecum Seeds
      11.01 Composition of Murashige and Skoog’s Medium
      11.02 Growth Index

12. Identification of Fibres
      12.01 General Tests
      12.02 Vegetable and Regenerated Fibres
      12.03 Animal, Mineral and Synthetic Fibres

   I. Classification of Plants and Their Uses
  II. Glossary of Plant Constituents
  III. Glossary of Botanical Terms
  IV. Terms used in Therapeutics
   V. Commonly Used Reagents in Pharmacognosy
  VI. Permissible Limits for Microbial Load
 VII. Frequently Asked Questions in Viva-Voce
VIII. Important References