Laboratory Manual of Pharmaceutical Engineering
  by C.V.S. Subrahmanyam, J. Thimma Setty, V. Kusumdevi & Sarasija Suresh
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-58-2; 2nd Ed. 2011, Rpt 2022; pp.viii+184

   Delhi price: 150      Outside Delhi price: 160      Overseas price : 450

 About The Book  

   This laboratory manual is intended to third and final year level of B. Pharm. students. Till today, no book is available on practical part of pharmaceutical engineering. Hence, we hope that our book will satisfy the needs of the teachers and students as the theory part did. In a few universities, this subject is also called as unit operations.
   Special emphasis is laid on the following:
       –  Examples
       –  Diagrams & Tables
       –  Model Calculations
       –  Question Bank
       –  Model Question Papers
       –  Appendix as a ready reference
       –  Question Bank


  1. Radiation Constant—Metals
  2. Radiation Constant—Unpainted and Painted Glass
  3. Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient—Heat Exchanger
  4. Grinding Efficiency of Domestic Grinder over Prolonged Operation
  5. Particle Size Distribution of a Powder—Sieving Method
  6. Size Reduction of Materials—Ball Mill
  7. Particle Size Distribution—Sedimentation Method
  8. Mixing Index—Calcium Carbonate and Talc
  9. Mixing Index—Salicylic acid and Lactose
10. Mixing of Soluble Solids in Liquids
11. Mixing of Immiscible Liquids—Homogenisation of Emulsion
12. Effect of Materials Related Factors on Filtration Rate—Calcium Carbonate Suspension
13. Effect of Process Related Factors on Filtration Rate—Calcium Carbonate Suspension
14. Centrifugal Separation of Phases of Emulsion
15. Preparation of Absolute Alcohol—Azeotropic Distillation
16. Separation of Turpentine Oil—Steam Distillation
17. Recovery of Aspirin from Reaction Mixture—Vacuum Distillation
18. Evaluation of Factors Affecting Rate of Evaporation
19. Crystallization by Shock Cooling
20. Equilibrium Moisture Content
21. Drying Rate Curve—Calcium Carbonate
22. Determination of Humidity—Psychometric Method
23. Determination of Humidity—Dew Point Method
24. Water Vapour Permeation Studies
25. Evaluation of Glass Containers
26. Homogenising Capacity of Equipment–Emulsion Preparation
27. Symbols—Pharmaceutical Engineering
28. Flow Sheets—Pharmaceutical Engineering

  1. Scheme of Examination
  2. Model Question Papers
  3. Definitions