Pharmacy Law and Ethics
       Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
  by N.K. JAIN
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-53-5; 1st Ed 2023; pp.viii+264

   Delhi price: 240      Outside Delhi price: 250      Overseas price : 720

 About The Book  

   This book presents the entire PCI syllabus of ‘Pharmacy Law and Ethics’ in a simplified language for the Diploma in Pharmacy students. Absence of the medicinal & Toilet preparations (Excise Duties) Act in PCI syllabus is conspicuous but included in this book. Law subject is expressed in legal language and the simplified language used in this book should facilitate the learning by the students.

  Pharmacy Council of India announced the Education Regulation, 2020 and accordingly the previous subject “Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence” stands renamed as “Pharmacy Law and Ethics” with major changes in the organization of topics. Topics such as FSSAI Act, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Bodies, Good Regulatory Practices, Regulatory Affairs, Blood Bank, Clinical Establishments Act, Biomedical Waste Management Rules, Bioethics, Consumer Protection Act, Disaster Management Act and Medical Devices have been included in the syllabus of “Pharmacy Law and Ethics”. These topics will keep the pharmacists updated with the recent developments in their professional domain.


  1. General Principles of Law

  2. Pharmacy Act & Pharmacy Practice Regulations

  3. Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules

  4. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substance Act and Rules

  5. Drugs and Magic remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act

  6. Prevention of cruelty to Animals Act

  7. Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act and Rules

  8. Poisons Act

  9. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)Act and Rules

10. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority & Drugs (Prices Control) Order

11. Code of Pharmaceutical Ethics

12. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and Rules

13. Pharmaceutical Regulatory Bodies

14. Good Regulatory practices

15. Regulatory Affairs

16. Blood Bank

17. Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act

18. Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules

19. Bioethics

20. Consumer Protection Act

21. Disaster Management Act

22. Medical Devices

       Revision Questions