History of Pharmacy in India and Related Aspects, Volume 1

 Pharmacopœias and Formularies
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 81-85731-30-6; 1st Ed. 1994, Rpt 2009; pp.xvi+159

   Delhi price: 600      Outside Delhi price: 625      Overseas price : 850

 About The Book  

   The book provides a documented account of sesquicentury of the Indian pharmacopœial and formulary history. Several unknown or forgotten compendia have been rediscovered and their existence brought to surface. The information gleaned from official publications, contemporary periodicals, and government archives has been coordinated and collated to prepare this treatise.


“The reading of this history of British and Indian pharmacopoeias and their relationships bring to mind George Urdang’s ‘Pharmacopoeias as Witnesses of World History.’ Dr Singh’s detailed account demonstrates how ideas and demands of empire, and the striving for independence and nationhood of the Indian people affected the pharmacopoeias.”
—[David L. Cowen, pharmacopoeial historian (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)]

“Dr Harkishan Singh provides a detailed account of the development of drug standards in India, reflecting in microcosm the Indian struggle for independence from British colonial rule ............... Painstakingly researched and impeccably referenced, Pharmacopœias and Formularies demands serious consideration by any pharmacy library wishing to complement its collection on the literature and history of pharmacopœias.”
—American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

“........ Dr Singh’s detailed account demonstrates how ideas and demands of empire, and the striving for independence and nationhood of the Indian people affected the pharmacopœias. .......... Dr Singh .......... has thoroughly researched and documented his study ................... provided a complete account of the British-Indian pharmacopœial history ............. has contributed a new and important addition to the literature and history of pharmacopœias.”
—Pharmacy in History

“........The book that Dr Harkishan Singh has compiled on the heritage and history of pharmacopœias and formularies is a presentation of a well researched work ...........”
—The Eastern Pharmacist

“........ The author ......... has brought together a large amount of archival information and illustrations in this sleek volume ............ The book is written in a lucid style and is well produced ............”
—Indian Journal of History of Science


  1. Introduction
  2. London and Edinburgh Pharmacopœias
  3. Bengal Dispensatory and Bengal Pharmacopœia
  4. Beginning of the British Pharmacopœia
  5. Birth and Demise of the Pharmacopœia of India (1868) 45
  6. Moving towards an Imperial Compendium 62
  7. Advocacy for a Separate Indian Pharmacopœia 80
  8. Inception of the British Pharmacopœia Commission and
       the 1932 Pharmacopœia
  9. Indian Pharmacopœial List 1946, and Indian Pharmaceutical
       Codex 1953
10. On Way to a National Pharmacopœia
11. 1948 and 1953 British Pharmacopœias
12. Pharmacopœia of India 1955
13. 1966 Indian Pharmacopœia
14. Pharmacopœia of India 1985
15. In Favour of a Pharmacopœia Commission
16. National Formulary of India