History of Pharmacy in India and Related Aspects, Volume 4

 Mahadeva Lal Schroff and The Making of Modern Pharmacy
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 81-85731-39-X; 1st Ed. 2005; pp.xvi+216

   Price in India: 500      Price outside India: U.S.- $ 45

 About The Book  

   This research monograph is essentially a professional biography of Professor M. L. Schroff, also covering his life in general and personality characteristics. No facet of pharmacy escaped his attention. It is amazing that how an orphaned boy through his courage and confidence struggled to shape his own career, and accepted a challenge of building pharmacy for which he had not been trained or groomed. He became an icon and a legend in his lifetime. In the historical perspective, Schroff emerges as the maker of modern pharmacy in India.


“It is often felt that a good biography should tell you enough of the person, set him (or her) in the context of the time and should be readable. This biography excels on all these counts”
—Nitya Anand

“This volume indeed is a very well researched monograph....... Prof. Singh is known to be very thorough and punctilious about details, which stem out in this monograph and give such a feeling of authenticity....... It is often felt that a good biography should tell you enough of the person, set him (or her) in the context of the time and should be readable. This biography excels in all these counts.”
—Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

“Prof. Singh has created a fine monument to Schroff....... Prof. Harkishan Singh writes with consummate smoothness, wisdom and wit..........”
—Indian Journal of History of Science

“Singh's biography is successful not just as an enlightening look at a man who helped bring modern education and regulatory methods to a professional field that was lamentably neglected under British rule but also as a study of the institutional and industry-wide policy decisions necessary to establish a modern scientific field in a developing country.”
—Chemical Heritage

“ .........the views of Schroff, must be re-looked through this book and must be implemented by different statutory authorities in the country.”
—Current Science

“The author is commended for providing authentic source material from where he has been able to estimate Schroff's influence on the growth of pharmaceutical profession, industry, Indian Pharmaceutical Association, the establishment of the Pharmacy Act and Drugs Act in India and the efforts towards the availability of standard medicines in India.”
—Pharma Review


 1 Colonial Medico-Pharmaceutical Milieu
 2 His Early Life and Patriotic Fervour
 3 Builder of Pharmaceutical Education
 4 Moulding the Profession
 5 Maiden Decade of Pharmacy Council of India
 6 Vocations in and Views on the Industry
 7 Forums: Unity and Diversity
 8 Camaraderie with Compounders
 9 Journalism as His Forte
10 Remembrances and Commemorations
11 Epilogue

APPENDICES (Schroff's Compositions)
  I "Pranyini or Matrbhumi"
 II Pharmaceutical Service in India
III Pharmaceutical Problems of India
IV Role of Pharmacy in Public Health Service