History of Pharmacy in India and Related Aspects, Volume 7

 Sir Ram Nath Chopra—Work, Vision and Legacy
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-46-9; 1st Ed. 2010; pp.xiv+266

   Delhi price: 600      Outside Delhi price: 650      Overseas price : 850

 About The Book  

   This publication of historical import is mainly a compilation, reproducing as in original the addresses delivered and writings on scientific and professional topics of Sir Ram Nath Chopra and articles by his disciple Dr Bishnupada Mukerji on his preceptor's role as crusader of pharmacology and promoter of pharmacy; a consolidated list of Sir Chopra's publications is also appended. A part of the pioneering research paper on Rauwolfia (1933) by Sir Chopra and associates is also reproduced.

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 1 Sir Ram Nath Chopra : A Profile
 2 Some Aspects of Therapeutics in India
 3 Rauwolfia serpentina, Benth.
 4 Pharmacy in India
 5 Drug Addiction
 6 Needs of the Pharmacy Profession
 7 The Physiology of the Individual in Tropics
 8 Profession of Pharmacy and Drug Control
 9 Drug Manufacture
10 Public Health and Medical Services
11 Some Problems of Medical and General Interest
12 Rationalisation of Medicine in India
13 Medicinal and Allied Plants of India : A Brief General Review
14 Problems and Prospects of Pharmacological Career in India

I  B. Mukerji, Sir Ram Nath Chopra and Growth of Pharmacology in India
II B. Mukerji, Sir Ram Nath Chopra and Development of Pharmacy in India
III List of Sir Ram Nath Chopra’s PublicationsReviews