History of Pharmacy in India and Related Aspects, Volume 2

 Pharmaceutical Education
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 81-85731-09-8; 1st Ed. 1997, Rpt 2009; pp.xvi+204

   Delhi price: 600      Outside Delhi price: 650      Overseas price : 850

 About The Book  

   The Pharmaceutical Education portrays a composite picture of the evolution and contemporary scenario of the whole gamut of pharmaceutical instructions and related aspects. The treatise dilates upon the historical perspectives of different items and issues pertaining to pharmaceutical education. The writing on each topic is supported with appropriate documentary evidences.


“Like the first book this one is thoroughly researched and documented......... In a nation as large and diverse as India, the development of pharmacy education has been complex and Prof. Singh puts it together into a coherent narrative”
—C. G. J. Higby

“.......Like that first book [Pharmacopœias and Formularies], this one is thoroughly researched and documented .........In a nation as large and diverse as India the development of pharmacy education has been complex and Prof. Singh pulls it together into a coherent narrative.”
—Pharmacy in History

“This carefully researched work is a valuable addition to understanding one of the most important institutions in India today.”
—Chemical Heritage

“The author has done a great job in presenting information based on 716 references and events of more than 130 years in a book of just 200 pages. He has narrated a brief but complete account of real life history and growth of pharmacy education in India.”
—Pharma Times

“The book is well written and very well documented. It covers, in detail the overall development of pharmaceutical education in the country. It is a valuable treatise for every pharmacy teacher in the country. Dr Harkishan Singh’s contribution will be remembered for all times to come.”
—Indian Journal of Hospital Pharmacy

“The book is well written and very well documented. It covers, in detail the overall development of pharmaceutical education in the country. It is a valuable treatise for every pharmacy teacher in the country. Dr Harkishan Singh’s contribution will be remembered for all times to come.”
—Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Education

“Singh’s book provides a timely opportunity for introspection as to how it all began, how far we have travelled and what needs to be done to chart the future course. It is hoped that this voice of experience will be paid heed to!”
—Current Science

“The Pharmaceutical Education ....... should be read by all members of the pharmacy profession in this country.”
—Express Pharma Pulse


 1. Introduction
 2. The Beginnings
 3. The Degree Level Programmes The First 25 Years
 4. Diplomate Training
 5. Baccalaureate Education and Expansion and Consolidation
    of Institutions
 6. Master and Doctoral Studies and Research
 7. Entry into Technology Fold
 8. Health Sciences Factor
 9. Pharmacy Faculties
10. Institutional Intakes and Manpower Requirements
11. National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and
12. B. V. Patel PERD Centre