A Textbook of Pharmaceutical Formulation
  by B. M. MITHAL
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   ISBN 81-85731-04-7; 6th Ed. 1997, Rpt 2023; pp.viii+392

   Delhi price: 320      Outside Delhi price: 335      Overseas price : 960

 About The Book  

‘Bioavailability’ is not merely a high sounding jargon but a living reality just as ‘Biopharmaceutics’ is far from being an academic pastime.

   These realisations have brought to forefront an important responsibility of the modern pharmacy men. Whenever a new drug is evolved it should be formulated scientifically so that it can be presented as a successful, acceptable and convenient dosage form. The schools of pharmacy have refashioned their curricula to include a course in the design of dosage forms.

    The present book owes its origin to lectures that the author delivered to the undergraduate and graduate students on development of the formulae of dosage forms at the Birla Institute of Technology and Science.

    A word about the subject matter covered in the book would be in order at this juncture. In deciding upon the material of each chapter the issue uppermost in mind has been that the book as a whole must provide lines of thoughts that must necessarily cross the minds of development men. Hence, no stress has been laid on processing aspects and other similar details have been cut to minimum. In writing the book it has also been assumed that the student has had courses in industrial and dispensing pharmacy, pharmaceutical analysis etc. besides courses in basic sciences like physics, chemistry and biology.

    The design of dosage forms has to adjust meaningfully to these changes. The present edition has tried to incorporate some of the futuristic dosage forms in addition to the basic dosage forms which will always remain valid. The book takes care of changing forms of var¬ious drug delivery systems which are being planned to make their action more precise and targeted.


  1. Formulation: The Basis of Civilisation
  2. The Drug Delivery Systems
  3. Physical Properties of Drugs and Formulation
  4. Chemical Characteristics of Drug Molecules and Formulation
  5. Biological Properties of Drug Molecules and Formulation
  6. Surfactants
  7. Hydrocolloids
  8. Bases and Vehicles
  9. Stabilisers
10. Diluents, Binders and Disintegrating Agents
11. Organoleptic Additives
12. Manufacturing Additives
13. Tablets
14. Capsules
15. Powders
16. Monophasic Liquids
17. Emulsions
18. Suspensions
19. Suppositories
20. Ointments
21. Parenteral Products
22. Ocular Dosage Forms
23. Sustained Action Drug Delivery Systems
24. Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
25. Targeted Drug Delivery Systems
26. Transmucosal Drug Delivery Systems
27. Radioactive Dosage Forms
28. Formulation of Multivitamin Products
29. Dosage Forms of Therapeutic Proteins
30. Coating of Dosage Forms
31. Containers and Closures for Dosage Forms
32. Quality Assessment of a Dosage Form
         A Classified List of Some Commonly Used Additives