Pioneers of Pharmaceutical Industry
  by Harkishan Singh
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   ISBN 978-81-85731-69-8; First Ed. 2011; pp.xii+200

   Delhi price: 600      Outside Delhi price: 650      Overseas price : 850

 About The Book  

   Pharmaceutical History of India projects a composite picture of the pharmaceutical developments which have taken place during the last couple of centuries. The text has been prepared for the benefit of the students and general readership of the professional community at large.

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1. Indian Pharmaceutical Industry—An Introduction
2. Prafulla Chandra Ray
3. Tribhovandas Kalyandas Gajjar
4. Harry Cooper
5. Khwaja Abdul Hamied
6. Apostolos Raptakos
7. Homi Ruttonji Nanji
8. Amrut Vithaldas Mody

I. P. C. Ray, Dawn of Science in Modern India, Presidential Address, Indian Science Congress, 1920
II. Sir Prafulla Chandra Ray, An Interview, 1921
III. A. H. Khwaja (K. A. Hamied), Scheme of Technical Research Institute, 1927
IV. K. A. Hamied, Problems Facing Pharmacy in India, Presidential Address, Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, 1949
V. H. R. Nanji, Presidential Address, Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, 1955
VI. A. V. Mody, Management Problems of Developing Economy with Special Reference to Pharmaceutical Industry, Presidential Address, Indian Pharmaceutical Congress