Laboratory Manual of Industrial Pharmacy
  by C.V.S. Subrahmanyam, J. Thimma Setty, Shivanand K. Mutta & S.M. Vijayendra Swamy
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-14-6; 1st Ed. 2006; Rpt 2020; pp.vii+168

   Delhi price: 120      Outside Delhi price: 126      Overseas price : 360

 About The Book  

   The practicals of this subject include the manufacture of dosage forms like tablets, capsules, injections, infusions, liquid orals, and semisolids. The students are asked to prepare dosage formulations on a laboratory scale. Therefore, in most of the cases, the students need to use the instruments that are employed in industry or otherwise mimic the conditions similar to that of industry. These experiments are designed to meet all these needs.
   General principles are written separately for each group of formulation. For a few parenteral formulations, incompatibility information is given. This manual additionally comprises of manufacturer’s definition, standards, and usual strength for all formulations. Manufacturer’s definition is specific to the manufacturer and enables the pharmacist to maintain reproducible production batches.
   Special emphasis is focused on the following:
       • General principles
       • Examples, diagrams, graphs, tables
       • Evaluation
       • Appendices
       • Question bank
       • Model question papers


Tablets—General Principles
     1. Sodium bicarbonate tablets BP
     2. Paracetamol tablets IP
     3. Ascorbic acid tablets IP
     4. Calcium lactate tablets IP
     5. Aspirin tablets IP
     6. In-process quality control tests for uncoated tablets
     7. Finished product quality assurance tests for tablets
     8. In-process quality control tests for coated tablets

  Hard Capsules—General Principles
     9. Aspirin capsules USP
    10. Official quality control tests of hard gelatin capsules
    11. Dissolution studies—Oxytetracycline hydrochloride hard gelatin capsules

Parenterals—General Principles Ampoules
    12. Ascorbic acid injection IP
    13. Calcium gluconate injection IP
    14. Nandrolone decanoate injection IP
    15. Atropine sulphate injection IP
    16. Compound sodium lactate injection IP

    17. Vitamin B. complex injection
    18. Oxytetracycline injection IP
    19. Lignocaine hydrochloride and adrenaline bitartrate injection IP

    20. Dextrose intravenous infusion IP
    21. Sodium chloride intravenous infusion IP

Liquid Orals—General Principles
    22. Strong ammonium acetate solution IP
    23. Magnesium hydroxide mixture BP

Semisolids—General Principles
    24. Non-staining iodine ointment with methyl salicylate BPC
    25. Diclofenac sodium gel

     1. All in twos—Know them well
     2. Definitions and Meanings
     3. List of formulations with their categories
     4. List of formulations with their doses
     5. List of formulations with their synonyms
     6. Scheme of examination
     7. Model question papers