  by R.M. Mehta
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   ISBN 978-93-85529-00-9; 6th Ed. 2015, Rpt 2024; pp.viii+336

   Delhi price: 300      Outside Delhi price: 315      Overseas price : 900

 About The Book  

  Every effort has been made to incorporate all the amendments carried out in the latest edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia, 2007. The book has been written strictly in accordance with the revised syllabus of Pharmaceutics I as per ER-91. The subject-matter is presented in simple, concise and easily understandable language. The salient features of the book are as under:

    (i) The illustrations and diagrams have been included to help the student in comprehending the various processes discussed easily.
    (ii) The diagrams are neatly drawn and adequately labelled.
    (iii) As an aid to the student to test his own comprehension of the subject matter discussed, several types of exhaustive
          Revision Questions have been given at the end of each chapter.
    (iv) To enhance the utility of the Revision Questions, these have been given in the form of multiple choice questions,
          fill in the blanks type, match the columns, very short answer questions, short answer questions and long answer questions.
    (v) The useful terms are given at the end of the book.


1 Introduction to Different Dosage Forms
2 Introduction to Pharmacopœias
3 Metrology
4 Packaging of Pharmaceuticals
5 Size Reduction
6 Size Separation
7 Mixing and Homogenisation
8 Clarification and Filtration
9 Extraction Processes
10 Heat Processes
11 Distillation
12 Introduction to Drying Processes
13 Sterilisation
14 Processing of Tablets
15 Processing of Capsules
16 Immunity and Immunological Products
APPENDIX I : Selected Technical & Medical Terms
APPENDIX II : Recommended Readings

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